Trustee Moved

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My mom passed away last year, and I've been slowly getting everything straightened out. I am her only child and the sole beneficiary of the Trust. All the accounts and stuff were straightened out and put in my name by the Trustee. Only problem is that we missed an account. The trustee has recently retired and moved overseas. I am trying to contact her; however, she has no outside phone service (remote part of the world). This last account is Mutual Funds. I was wondering what is the best course of action so that I can have this transfered over to me. The account has my mom's name, my trustee's name as trustee. All I have is the Trust paperwork in hand. Can this be easily solved if I go see a lawyer? Thank you so much.
This may require a lawsuit to resolve.

BUT wasn't there a successor trustee named also? If you not, you had a lousy trust agreement.
I am the successor trustee. Would I go to a lawyer to resolve this, or should the bank allow me to change the account over. Thanks
I am the successor trustee. Would I go to a lawyer to resolve this, or should the bank allow me to change the account over. Thanks

If you are the successor trustee, then why are you concerned about where the primary trustee is?

In other words, what is the legal problem you are facing?
I thought the bank would want some burden of proof that she is no longer the trustee. And I would not know how to furnish that proof. Thanks senior judge really appreciate it.
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