Trying 1 more time

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New Member
Well this is the third attempt at posting this.

OK here goes, this past weekend I had a party at my house. I invited a few people from work but not everyone. the issue is that I did not invite anyone from my department, there are a few that I do not like and did not wnat to invite them. So instead of just inviting half the department I choose not to invite any of them.

WEll it seems my boss some how got a copy of the email I sent out and knows the list of people that I invited. Well I took last friday off to do prep work. While I was gone he approached a few people on the list and questioned them.

When I got back this Monday he and the HR person berated me and pretty much harrassed me about not inviting them. I saved all the emails the HR person sent. Well now no one in my department is talking with me and I am getting the feeling they are planning on firing me.

This is a real job not retail I am a Cost accountant and just bought a house I am freaking out over this.

So my question is Can they fire me for this? If they do can I sue them I mean what goes on at my house is really of no concern for them. nothing bad was going ata my party no drugs just a normal adult party.....Any help or advice would be great
Unless you are under contract, they can fire you for any reason. It's part of the at-will employment which is the case in almost every state. However, you might have a harrasment suit against them. If you really think you are in danger of loosing your job, you might drop a hint about that, and the let it stew. The worst that would happen is they would get rid of you anyway, and at best, they might think twice. Just print all of the emails out NOW. If they do fire you, you won't have access to them if they were on a company email.

Keep in mind that you do have a statute of limitations to file you suit. Call a lawyer and find out how long you would have. Then you might want to use that as your timeframe to look for another job. If HR is involved then this is pretty deep. At least it might buy some time to loo for another job without getting fired first.

The problem you are facing is that they may not decide to use THIS as the reason for firing you. They will look for ANY little slip up. You may start to get written up for every little thing. If they do, so be it. At the same time, get copies of everything, including every write up. You could use this in your case later.
thanks for the advice I sent everything to my home email..I have kept copies worse case I would still be able to collect right? I have been there 5 years and not once have I been written up. I know one excuse they use is that they say they are upgrading the position. Which is fine by me because they give 2 weeks fr every year you are there so I would get 10 weeks plus I can collect then.

I am just a little stressed out. We will see what next week brings I took a vacation day for tomorrow
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