I signed a lease back in May 2008 to rent this apartment from September 1st 2008 through May 31st 2009. But now that I've moved in, I'm not getting the financial aid from college that i expected and i don't make enough in my current job to pay my rent. I'm barely scratching by and i still have to borrow some money from friends. I called my landlord and the boss wasn't there, and they can't tell me anything about leaving early without consulting him. They said they emailed him multiple times since the beginning of November and haven't gotten a reply. I want to leave by the end of December 2008, so I've given them two whole months heads up. I was told the boss won't be back until mid December. So I'm wondering what i can do if they don't get back to me on if I'm allowed to leave. Can i just pay my last months rent (Dec) and leave? Or will they still be able to hold me to it despite their failure to respond to my urgent message?
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!!
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!!