My husband and I are trying to relocate to Ohio. I have done quite a bit of research between the two different states in pay and living expenses after we were offered my grandparents house (that is paid off) to live in rent and mortage free. saving us around 800.00 a month. And not to mention pay in Ohio in my field is a great deal higher as is the pay in his. We have full custody of his 5 year old daughter and have had her since she was 9 months old. There is a great deal to this story but to sum it up, the mother is very decietfull and also will not grant consent for us to move. We are going to have to go to court. She gets her every other weekend and also every other wednesday from 6-8 and only recently started doing the wednesdays (3 wednesdays to be exact) after 5 years. She never calls to talk to her and doesnt even text to see how she is doing. When she goes to her moms for the weekends she comes back saying "mommy said I am going to live with her and we are moving to maryland" filling her head with empty promises. We have her in counseling b/c all the mother does is trash talk me and makes it hard for my step daughter to believe what is right and what is wrong. she pays 25 dollars a MONTH in child support and is now 5 months late and this is a reaccuring thing. She has commited bigamy 2 times in the last 3 years and the list keeps going. Basically, I need help trying to figure out what all I need to get around before we meet up with our lawyer to get the show on the road and also want to know if anyone knows how good of a chance we have to actually move?? any advice would be amazing!! thank you