Trying to understand.

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I'll try to be as brief as possible. I have 3 daughters ages 10, 6, and 2. The 10, and 6 year old lives with me. The 2 year old lives with her mom. "different mother than the older 2" I give her $300 the first of every month. I also help in buying the necessities that she needs. I have receipts for everything from the very first box of diapers. She recently applied for child care assistance so she can put my daughter in day care. They told her the only way to do it is to take me for child support first. She told me that she would take me, and just get it documented that all she wants is the usual $300 that I give her. Is it possible to do that ? I thought the judge determines the amount. Is she still entitled to 17% or do they take the fact that I have my oldest 2 daughters living with me into consideration ? I really need some input ASAP! Thanks
They will definetly take into consideration that you have custody of two other children. The percentages goes as follow:

17% for one child,
25% for two children,
29% for three children,
31% for four children,
at least 35% for five or more children.

I believe that the judge will understand the situation if the custodial parent (the mother) explains the situation. Good luck
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