Turned down for job b/c of remarks made by public employee

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While living at an apartment complex, I reported some fire code violation concerns to the local fire services. The inspector (a 25 year veteran of the dept) that come out felt that the complaint was bogus and found no violations, although eveything I told him about was actually present; just not in violation of county code. Also, the year previous, one of their own inspectors noted one of the exact same concern that I had called about.

A few months ago, I applied for a law enforcement job. During the background investigation, this inspector was interviewed and expressed his opinion that he would not reccommend me for hire (we only spent 10 minuntes in a meeting talking with each other - and although I don't think that was ethical, I doubt its illegal). He went further to say that "he told me filing false reports was a felony." He did tell me that, but stating this to a background investigator had enormous consequenses for me. This was enough to ruin me as far as the agency I had applied with was concerned.

Based on this information, I was turned down for the job. I know this b/c a written public record (internal memo) of what he told the background investigator is on file. The memo shows the reason that the high-ups decided not to hire me. I was qualified in all other areas for this job and did not have any other negative reviews.

Under Florida law, a person cannot be a law enforcement officer if they have have committed a crime of moral turpitude, even if not prosecuted. So, if I can't get this cleared up, I don't think I will ever have a law enforcement job.

I think he already personally knew the apartment manager or maybe he just didn't like me. I dunno - but for some reason, he felt the need to discredit me.

What should I do?
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