.TV domain, trademark questions

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I have a start-up company "EXAMPLE.TV" I will be using the domain name as my brand, so I intend to use "EXAMPLE.TV" on everything. My company will provide graphic design services, web design, and produce animation & film for dvd.

However, someone else has already got a trademark for EXAMPLE. They also have the domain EXAMPLE.com where they sell art, paintings on canvas. Their trademark is for "G & S: Art etchings, art pictures, art prints, printed art reproductions, and paintings." But, as far as I can tell, there has been no activity (commerce) on the web site. They posted a few images of paintings but no way to purchase. Seems to be just an idea that was not pursued. (The trademark was registered in 2002.)

So, I need to know if I risk trademark infrindgement by creating my web site EXAMPLE.TV to promote my graphic design services? And, should I attempt to register "EXAMPLE.TV" as a trademark. It seems to me that by adding the .TV, the name is not the same. Also, my services are not the same.

Please help. Thanks.
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