Two leaseholder's for same rental property

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New Member
Last year I signed a lease for a rental house with the intention of my boyfriend moving in with his two kids and my two kids. He moved in less than a month later and the landlord had him sign a lease himself. Several months ago our relationship ended. He has since told me that I need to vacate the property immediately as his is the newer lease. I called the landlord and was told that as long as the rent is paid until the last lease signed ends, they will not intervene. They just want their rent, which they have been getting. I then called the state police and was told that since his lease is newer, if only by a few weeks, that I would be removed at his request. This seems absurd to me. I signed my lease first. My lease was never terminated by the landlord before he signed his or since. I really do not want to be here, but until I find a suitable place for myself and my kids, I need to have a place to live and now live daily under the constant fear that I will be homeless at any minute. What can I do? Do I have any grounds to stay or even have him removed? Please help.
Yes, you do have recourse.
The police are bluffing.
Your lease is as good as his, and the landlord must honor it until it expires.

If he hits you or attacks you, call the police.
Do NOT fight back, or resist.
Call the police and let them haul his carcASS away!

Now, back to the lease.
As long as you remain civil, you don't have to go anywhere until the lease ends.
The police can't evict you.
Only a judge can order your eviction.
That requires a hearing or a trial.
That is due process.
As long as you PAY your share of the rent on time, he has no case, nor does the landlord.

Just ignore him and stay away from him.
But, start looking for a place, ASAP!!!!!

If he asks you to leave, just say, no and walk away.
If he gives you a vacate letter, ignore it.
If he goes to court, the court will notify you of the hearing.
That process will take 6-8 weeks to play out.
But, unless and until the judge tells you to vacate, you stay put.
Just make sure you go to court if officially served.
Other than that, stay away from the bum!!!!!
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