Two Room Tenant...

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Brief summary:
My father has allowed his ex gf to stay in the home longer than expected. An eviction notice was given but the hearing date and process is going to take some time. She is now still sleeping in HIS room while he stays in the living room. She also has her clothing in a seperate room in the attic (her own personal closet) Basically she is living very comfortably & she has no reason to leave.

Can I remove her clothes from the room in the attic? I would not be throwing it out, just putting it in garbage bags & putting it in her room. Is there anything else I can do to make her stay not as comfortable or make her move out sooner?

(& I live in the house also, along with my younger sister who is 16)
You can move her belongings into her room, however you run the risk of her accusing you of stealing things.
Do anything you want, that isn't illegal, to make her comfortable living less comfortable. Maybe she will get the hint and leave before the eviction goes the full distance.
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