TX Custody ?'s

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My sister lives in TX and wants to leave her husband and move to South Dakota to be with family. She has 3 children and is afraid to leave lest she jeopardize custody of her children.

What steps can she take? Is she allowed to just leave the state or do they have to have some kind of arrangement made before she can leave Texas? She is somewhat afraid for her safety and her children's and would rather leave if she can before starting divorce proceedings.

Thanks for any advice you can give!
She does risk losing custody of the kids. She needs to talk to an attorney. If she takes off, Dad will then likely file for custody and she will have to retun the kids, plus TX would have jurisdiction.

In the meantime I would move in with friends or family closer so she can stay instate and get some legal advice. If there is no history of DV or police calls, her story of being afraid might be doubted anyways. Lots of people that want a divorce and want to leave the state make stuff up.
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