UIFSA Warrants CS Reduction?

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I recently moved from Mass to VA, where my ex- lives. He pays CS for both our children, based on Mass guidelines. If all three of us now live in VA, can he use the new jurisdiction to petition for a change to VA guidelines?

There are no other children involved besides our two; he has paid on time - and even above the minimums - for over 18 months; he also pays life insurance (on himself, with me as beneficiary) and health insurance. The VA guidelines indicate 50% (half) of what Mass calls for. I haven't worked for the 18-months since the divorce, since I don't really need to... the $2,500/month is plenty for all three of us. Cutting down to $1200/month could be a real drag.

So...would a VA judge agree to actually *drop* CS to match the Virginia guidelines? :(
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