hi, anyone who can give any advise or help, it's greatly appreciated. my husband got pulled over for speeding on I95 in martin county, FL. his liscence had been suspended but we where unaware of it at the time. the office let him go w/a court date, we could not pay the ticket in time for the court date so they put him on financial probation (i guess that's what you'd call it) where he had to check in monthly and make payments. he was unable to do so one month so they violated him and put a warrent out. when we found out we turned him in and posted bond. he went to 3 court dates sence then and so far had not been put back on probation. he missed the 4th court date so they charged him w/failure to appear, violating the bond and also with violation of the financial probation (yet at that time he wasn't required to report to the probation any more...?) so now we went and turned him in again but b/c it was a failure to appear charge he wasn't able to post bond right away again,he was told he had to wait to see his original judge for them to reinstate bond.he's been in for over a week now. we have a baby on the way and he's the only one who works in our family, and the public defender's office is stating he goes to see the judge tomorrow but it is for arraingment only and will have no chance of being released on bond or anything else. but then his bondsman is stating they can release him on bond again and she even wrote the judge stating that she would be re-post the bond money with him. i'm confused...what's going on? is this making sence to anyone else? what comes next and what should we do? this all seems a little excesive for traffic violations...? help please, thank you