Unauthorized charges

Am I completely out of my mind for thinking that since there was a material misrepresentation of the terms of the contract, albeit a verbal one, I should not be held responsible for the additional fees? Could I pay the whole sum and then ask for the extra fees back through a small claims court?
You asked what the doctor's bill would be, and you were told what the doctor's bill would be.

Had you asked if there would be additional fees over and above the doctor's bill, no doubt they would have told you that too.

That might be true, but disingenuous. I would argue that from our conversation it was clear I asked what the overall cost of my visit would be. The hospital personnel of course couldn't know ahead of time the nature of the treatment I would have required, and I don't mind paying for the eye drops I received, but they knew quite well that the charges for checking in the E.R. would dwarf the 300$ for the doctor's visit. This is negligent at best and fraudulent at worst.
I would argue that from our conversation it was clear I asked what the overall cost of my visit would be.
I was quoted approximately 300$ for the visit.
When the bill came in I found out that I had been charged not only 300$ for the visit ...

Again - you didn't ask the right question. You asked the cost of the "visit" and you were quoted the cost of the "visit".

I don't agree with the way things are done, but they ARE, presently, legal.

You've been given links...check them out.
Am I completely out of my mind for thinking that since there was a material misrepresentation of the terms of the contract, albeit a verbal one, I should not be held responsible for the additional fees?
Nope. You asked for very specific information and you were given that information.

Could I pay the whole sum and then ask for the extra fees back through a small claims court?
Of course you can do that (I'm assuming you are capable of it), but you would probably not be successful.
My link is to the California Insurance Exchange (Covered California) - Medi-CAL would be one of the suggestions, depending on the information that the OP enters when applying.

That's why I voted that post best answer: complete and succinct information.

Let's note that OP has not acknowledged that post, because they think that they've BTDT. But they also haven't replied about Medi-CAL, so I guess they make too much to qualify, and are now complaining. Especially since they went to the emergency room for a non emergency.
This is negligent at best and fraudulent at worst.

It is neither. Anyone who doesn't realize that there will be far more to the cost of the ER than the doctor's bill has to have been living under a rock. (I don't mean that to be insulting but it is nonetheless the truth.) They provided you with the information you requested, most likely never dreaming that you'd imagine that to be the full cost of the visit and figured you were asking for only the part you didn't know. With all due respect, here, and again I do not intend this to be insulting but it is nonetheless the truth, anyone who imagined that they would get in and out of an ER for only $300 probably should have a keeper since their IQ would have to be hovering about room temperature. The high cost of health care and the ways to control, and not control, it has been a major issue all over the news since the Obama administration.
It is neither. Anyone who doesn't realize that there will be far more to the cost of the ER than the doctor's bill has to have been living under a rock.

In a different country, actually, but I guess it doesn't matter. Anyway, thanks everyone for their time.
And honestly expecting the receptionist/check in person to have any idea of what will be billed is not something most normal people would expect. This is not a restaurant with a menu.

Other countries do things differently, have higher taxes, less people, etc. Sorry that you made an assumption. I remember taking my daughter to an urgent care years ago and asking if they took x insurance carrier. They stated they did. But what I didn't ask and what was not mentioned was that x insurance carrier was OUT of network and would pay much less. So it is sad that you have to learn to ask more than one basic question.

And I suggest seeking out a local doctor that you can see who is going to be a better choice than the ER.....

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