Unauthorized draft of funds

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I received a phone call asking my authorization to send information about a road assistance club. later on i got a letter that said that if i did not call them in 15 days they were going to draft my account. i disregarded the letter because i never gave them my acct. #. now they took the money and i have over $200 in bank fees. what to do?
I'm not sure I understand what is going on. You received a phone call permitting someone to send you information about a roadside assistance club. Did you ever join them? What money did you send and for what? I'm not sure what account number you are talking about. You'll need to explain.
they send me a letter saying that if i did not call them they would draft my checking acct. wich i never gave them and i never subscribed. they drafted my acct and bounced 7 checks so i have like 400 dollars on bank fees.
There's more to the story. How did this company get your bank account number? Be more specific.
The first thing you need to do is stop that draft through the bank to prevent further damage. Then ask your bank what company drafted the money and when that draft was authorized. They should have this information if they are allowing your funds to be drafted from their bank. Contact information should also be provided by the bank. I suggest you contact the company and find out what's really going on.
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