Trademark Uncle depicted in movie without permission; actionable?

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New Member
My maternal Uncle was depicted in "The Pride of the Marines". I recently learned the two other Marines who were featured both received financial compensation.

"Pride of the Marines" featured Al Schmid his life before and after being blinded and becoming a 'hero" .

The movie was a hit when first released and with renewed interest in the events during World War Two; it has been rereleased as a DVD.

I have documentation that I am the closest living heir. Is there an actionable case?

Al Schmid, Leroy Diamond and John Rivers were the primary instruments in The Battle of the Tenaru; America's first land offensive victory of World War Two. Unlike the European front battles there are no monuments to honor the men who gave so much. If the case is actionable all proceeds would go to erecting/maintaining a monument.
Agree, doubtful. Of course, it's up to you if you want to run it by an attorney.
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