H Visa under H1B pepition review, but with pending charge.

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Hi I am at NYS, and charged by petit larceny, my attorney told me it would almost 100% ACD. The court time is Feb 1st. and I am under H1B petition review process with F-1 visa now, do you think i need to fill out some extra form submbiting to USCIS at this point? or after gaining the ACD.
Hi I am at NYS, and charged by petit larceny, my attorney told me it would almost 100% ACD. The court time is Feb 1st. and I am under H1B petition review process with F-1 visa now, do you think i need to fill out some extra form submbiting to USCIS at this point? or after gaining the ACD.

If you want to gain access to this country on a permanent basis, you need to obey ALL of our laws.
Your actions have possibly jeopardized your chances.
All you can do is hope this charge is dismissed or addressed with some form of alternative sentencing.
What should you do?
Obey our laws.
We breed too many criminals without IMPORTING them.
Hope for a miracle.
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