I am 18 years old from NY and recently recieved a ticket while visiting The University of Delaware located in Newark, DE. The ticket was for the consumption of an alcoholic bevearge prior to my 21'st birthday. I asked the officer who issued me the ticket what he would do in my position and he responded by telling me that he would come back down and plead not guilty. Now i have no problem going back down there except that i dont really know what im doing and whether or not pleading not guilty is my best approach, any advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated. As far as the details of the ticket go i recieved it while walking back to my friends dorm, on the way back i was stopped by an officer who asked me if i tried buying drugs from 2 locals. I was walking back towards the dorms with these two guys i had met outside a party before we went our own ways they asked me if i wanted to buy some marijuana i said no and we separated. I was soon approached by the officer who said he recieved a tip that i tried to buy drugs from the two men i denied it and told him he could search me, he searched and found nothing then he asked if i was drinking at all tonight. I told him i had a few beers a couple of hours ago at a party. Once he found out i did not go to school there he wrote up the ticket and gave me a ride to the dorms. Once again any advice would be greatly appreciated