Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication underage drinking 4301.69

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New Member
I was recently arrested for prohibitions 4301.69 in Ohio. I am 20 years old 1 1/2 months from my birthday. I was in my friend's car after leaving a party when he got pulled over for driving left of center. The officer asked me if I had anything to drink. I told him the truth and said yes I had 2 or 3 beers. I was handcuffed,read my rights, and taken to the police station. He made me take a breathylyzer without really telling me that I could refuse or anything else about it. He said it was "for my own information." I took it and blew a .077. I have a court date on dec. 1. My question is: what sort of consequences am i looking at? it is my first time ever being arrested for anything, i have no driving violations and i am a first year medical student and already volunteering at a homeless shelter. Should i plead guilty? should i get a lawyer to help me? will this go on my permanent record and if so when and how can i get it expunged?

any help is appreciated. thank you
dude definately got a laywer. they can tell all of this good stuff to the judge and you can get that silly charge dismissed. make sure you dont pay any court fees though, or see if there is anyway you can work it out like that, cause the system is pretty tricky in the sense that if u pay court fees, you're basically admitting you're guilty, and when some entity goes back to check ur record, they'll count that as a guilty charge. thats how the service (marines, navy, etc) look at it anyways!

good luck brother
ps, you arent looking at this costing you very much, maybe 200-300 dollars, depending on your area. its worth it!
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