Underwater Landlord, trying to press charges

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We have been in a nightmare situation in Florida, with our severeley underwater landlord.

First, we quickly learned our upstairs neighbors, his tennents, were in engaged in "suspicious home business" ( I saw it that way to prevent suit, but it was clear what we heard and saw, and what kind of business it was.)
Our 3 rd day there, all the lights burnt out at the electrical box. Our landlord said : he would fix it when he had the money " and that he was broke with no food.

Then, our hot water heater went out, and we went 28 days with no hot water. His solution was we could " go to his house for a shower, every 4 days.

he finally fixed this, and we deducted the per day maximum from rent, as we had sent all appropriate letters.

More dangerous fighting with out home business neighbors, threatening to kill each other on a nightly basis. A letter and verbal complaint to the landlord , resulted in a " do as i tell the neighborhood to do, call the police... it is not my responsiblity " Yes it is under fl law.

April comes. Our rent is due on the 5th. We ask our landlord if we can pay on the 7th as that is when we know our monthly divident checks arrive. Usually the 6th, but to make sure we asked for the 7th. he agreed but wanted a check on the 5th , an he would wait until the 7th. We agreed voluntarily to pay the 25 dollar later fee, which he accepted in cash, as he had no money.

We also alerted our banker, that we had a rent check being deosited on the 7th, and he said he would make sure it was covered. Small bank, long ime relationship.

The landlord tries to ACH the check ( which in our lease it was agreed he couldnt ach, as we have had people make withdraws at will with ACH's. ) we agreed all checks must be deposited.

He taks the check on the 6th( agreement was 7th) and tries again to ACH it. It :bounces automatically and our banker tells him to call and he will wire or send a cashiers check over night. he never provides the information. He then comes over asking for a replacement check, which we provide , and had him sign a replacement check receipt. Negating the first check. he calls an hour later ( when i am not there, yelling at my wife for another check, which she gain gives him and recieves a recipet. his bank will not deposit it as he is overdrawn , but will hold it for 3 days.( he left us with eveidence of that ) he refuses that and once again , asks for another check, at which point i say no, there is something very wrong with this. Our bank manager called him to send the money or to get the information to send it to his bank. He doesnt want it in his bank, because of the over draft he has.

Our banker sends a letter copied to both of us , that he has contacted him, needs information for the check, as it has not presented to our bank .

we hear nothing from this guy and in the mean time, they are about to auction off his tax obligation ( County) whch is 3,400.00

I figure something is wrong and I call the police and state attorney's( bad checkk div) advising them something is wrong and they both agree this is bizzare, and tells us to stop payment on the checks. All the while we are keepin contenperaneous notes of what is happening.

No word, until a week later we recieve and eviction notice. ok good as we understand that there is something sriously wrong with him. bank is calling hm everyday, asking where is the check? No response.

we go to the first hearing and explain an show the judge the notes, photo's and correspondance. The judge is irked at him, but asks us if we want to stay, but if we do, we have to put 1,700 in the registery . We ask the judge what if we want out , and he said we could do that, and under stipulation , we agree to turn over the property, in mint condidition.

He then asks about the checks, and count 2, damages, and the judge sets a hearing as we had affirmative defense. He tells the judge he is turning over 2 of the checks ( we ragined possession of the other 3 ) and says he has filed them at the bad check people. remember one was replaced ( the one he agreed to hold for 2 days ) and the Judge told him " this is a civil matter and to contact the SA and withdraw the complaint of bad checks. he then says he didnt turn them in

We get a letter a week later, which was a week for count 2 to determine any monies owed. We go to the SA and remind them we had called and such, but some secretary is who we spoke to , and she took copies of the checks, reciepts and the agreement to hold the first check for 2 days. She calls the the next day and says " I have determined you owe for the first check, and the second one is out as it never made it to your bank.

we explain to her that we have a hearing to determine rent, if any is owed in civil court, and she says " I don't care, I am turning this in for prosecution if you dont pay now. " Then she changes our hearing for 2 weeks later , gave us a notice for that date, but calls again the next day and says she never did that. We have the paper. On advice of a former prosecuter we know, he said let it ride and get this out of her hands. let the investgator look at it. so we do.

we go to court, and the judge is TICKEd about the checks, and we offer to let him keep our 500.00 security deposit ( which he had already spent day 1 ) and the judge agrees. Case settled.

But this guy and the state already have the 2 checks, one which they said was no go . other one was replaced by the thrown out one.

My wife wrote the checks,, so it is her butt, and we dont know what is going on. She has never had a parking ticket, let alone been arrested, but if this charge goes thru, she has professional liscense issues.

Oh, interesting part. The total of the 2 checks he has turned in is 1,700, the same ammount he tried to get from the civil. 1,700 plus 1,700 is 3,400 which is the exact ammount for his past due taxes.

he lied on the form, and lied to them that these were 2 different checks for 2 different thngs. Our rent was 850, not 1,700 dollars.

We have not recieved anything from he SA and it has been 5 weeks. He was supposed to address this by judges order , but he hasn't.

Our question is, do we contact the SA ?

We would pay the 850, but the judge says we dont owe it. He said dont pay it. But the lady at the SA ( she is not an investigator , nor an SA ) was mad we had even asked quuestions.

we cant hire an attorney,pay the check, or checks, and one judge says we dont have to. the law here is pretty clear that is he agreed to hold the check for 2 days ( we have proof he did) that they will not prosecute

So, we are lost as what to do, as we are caught between 2 systems and what seems like a turff war.

any suggestions would greatly be appreciated. This guy is a scammer, and if someone would just look at it, they would clearly see it as the judge did.

Thank you.
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You need a lawyer.

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What a mess.... maybe I got lost n the middle of all that.

What I am stuck on is that you went back to court and agreed to allow the $500 deposit to be kept by the landlord... and that settled the case. If so, there shouldn't be anything left to discuss.

Honestly, unless there is more to it, you shouldn't have offered up your $500. You did nothing wrong here... other than write a post-dated check. In the future don't be so eager to write checks for people.

You wrote the first one and he didn't wait, so why in the world would you give him the 2nd one early? I don't understand the reasoning on all that. You didn't even need to give him the first check until you actually had the money to cover it.

Are you still in the apartment?
FL Landlord

No, we are not in the apartment. We gave it up during the first hearing of eviction. We wanted to get away from his guy, and his place.

He was so desperate to get a check, he was at our door , crying about how broke he was etc etc, then was getting violent. my wife felt sorry for him, so she gave hiim the post dated check to get rid of him.

The problem on investigation was he was severely Overdrawn on his account, and he was trying to find a way to get money and avoid having it go into his account , as he was overdrawn more than our rent. He had to pay the water bill for his other 2 buldings, as they have tennents. He was looking at us as his bank account.

Then the Tx sale came up, and he totlly contrived this situation thinking he could get the state " collection agency" aka Bad Check division , to colllect half the tax ,1700.00 by saying the checks were no good. They were, had he presented them to is bank. Our bank wrote a letter that he had attempted to contact this guy, the check was never presented, and had they been presented, they would have been paid. Only 1 of them. we did not owe 2 April rent checks.

He then filed eviction, and did not tell the judge he had presented the checks ( 2 for the same month and $$ of the rent) soo he was trying to collect another 1,700 except we told the judge , we want away from this guy . It was dangerous, and a deperate Landlord/Drug addict is not our world. We just wanted out.

our remaining problem is this county Bad check division , is basically a collection agent. They could care less about details, they are a for profit company , that collects fee's for the County.

we gave them evidience that the checks were being double presented, the letter from the bank etc, and the SECRETARY of this place "determined that we owed him the April rent . Even though we were not due to see the Judge in the eviction hearing for 2 more weeks.

Didn't know a secretary can decide a matter before another judge. Didn't know a secretary was a judge. Because we refused to pay the secretary, she "passed it to an investigator. She was mad we even questioned it. She is not a judge or an investigator. Ok, hopefully he( investigator will read the material. he evidence we have presented is pretty clear cut, and now includes testimony from the Count 2 damages hearing

I have read the procedure foor a bad check charge, and this guy purjured himself all over it. He sisgns a paper that "under perjury" well, he lied and we are stuck in the middle of some turff war.

The story is so obviously contrived, we are almost o the point of lets see a judge, as thhe stories of this man are so obviously contrived , resonable doubt iis the least result.ore likely, he will be caught flat out lying. Everything is dcumented.

Yes, we can pay a 1,000.00 to an attorney, or as one said, just ride it out , as there is several problems with his filing, noticification, and trying to get us to pay the same money 4 times ( court is done, so now the 2 checks) . he doesnt believe they will persue it at all, but this secretary lady was pretty mad we questioned her ability of right to decide a matter before a judge.

It would be cheaper to pay the check than the attornery. We didnt do anything wrong, nor did we create the situation. HE DID. We cant make him go to a bank and cash the check. It was his bank that BLKed the check, as he tried to ACH them in multiple places. The check NEVER made it to our bank. He didnt deposit it !

We are not making this up. There is no more to it than this guy was trying to get 3,400 before the 28th as they were going to auction his taxes. Out of all his tennants , we were the only ones not tradinging rent etc for or in drugs. We actually work, save and other stuff real people do.

starting to look like here in this county, a criminal wins.
Sounds like you are in the clear. The matter was settle in court and you moved out.

From what I gather, you are dealing with a collection agency and there were never any criminal charges for bad checks, right?

You are likely dealing with a greedy collection company that will harress you to no end until you pay some money, and then they will say you owe a little more since they then know you will pay up.

You should get a free copy of your credit report and make sure you aren't getting negative marks for any of this.

Continue to deny payments to the company, or quit communicating with them altogether. If they want money from you they can try and convince a judge that you owe it. It sounds like you are well documented and prepared for any such thing.

If you haven't done so, provide a copy of the settlement from your court case to this company and make it clear that you are not obligated to pay as a result of the settlement.
What a mess.... maybe I got lost n the middle of all that.

What I am stuck on is that you went back to court and agreed to allow the $500 deposit to be kept by the landlord... and that settled the case. If so, there shouldn't be anything left to discuss.

Honestly, unless there is more to it, you shouldn't have offered up your $500. You did nothing wrong here... other than write a post-dated check. In the future don't be so eager to write checks for people.

You wrote the first one and he didn't wait, so why in the world would you give him the 2nd one early? I don't understand the reasoning on all that. You didn't even need to give him the first check until you actually had the money to cover it.

Are you still in the apartment?

No we are not in the clear. The County is strill trying to say we owe him for the orginal check, a Secretary, not an investigator , or SA . This secretary was so mad that we had the judge call, shhe " determined that we owe him 1 month rent " and told us if we didnt pay right then, she would recommend prosecution. The original, and replacement check 1, first one he tried to ACH early ( we asked him to hold for 2 days ) but he never deposited, the second one he never deposiited.

This "clerk" also tried to change verbally change the appearance hearing, but we stuck with the original . An Attorney, whho used to run that office, told us to "let it ride" to get it out of this ladies hands.

All paperwork supports everything we are saying as does the judges ruling.

We would rather not pay another 2,000 for an attorney unless we have to , as we had to move etc etc, and it ended up being a big loss for us, and outlay of cash. we are trying to not lay off employees because of this mooron.

so, officially, I guess it is on to the investigator, who already looked at it when we went there to show them the paperwork. They imediately dismissed the replacement check ( check 2) but this clerk lady was insistent that she had " determined that we owed for April rent. The Judge, who was handling the civil case, said NO, and even called and sent his ruling. this lady oes not care about the Judge . She has decided.

S, as far as we know, it is at the investgator level who already dismissed it once. This lady is mad at us as we questioned how she could determine a matter before a judge.

The attorney, who aggain was a judge and worked in this divsion, knoows who this lady is, and said " let it ride" so it would get out of her hands. All I will say about how he felt and others in that office felt, is that she " is not an attorney nor an investigator".

So we don't know. Anyone who actually looks at it, will see textbook doubt about the story. From the landlord. we have the tape and transcript from civil . It has been approx a monh and a half, since she forwarded it on to the same investigator who dismissed it before , so maybe nothing.

My wife, understandablly is concerned. This guy has beeen terrorizing us since day 1. her profession hangs in the balance.

We are trying to keep as much cash as possible, as our employees and their famlies.... Will will hire an Attorney if we have to, but that is getting hard to stomach doing everything right, and what we were told to when we called the police and the check people when he was doing this.

At some point, it seems the person who is actually breaking laws left and right , is held accountable.

So, we appreciate as much info as we can get. this "man" shouldn't be allowed to continue this.

so as far as we know, our remaining issue is with this "clerk" at the SA BCD

Nobody tells us the same thing on what to do. we will pay if we have to for legal, but like i said, 1,000 right now is a week for 2 employee's.

I think we are stuck in a system communication problem.... or they could have quite possibly dropped it already

Dont know which way to go. drive up there again? The other thing, is the guy has been driving by our new house. he got the address from court docs. He does it several times a day. doesnt live near here. We do have our Community Policemand aware and watching that. this guy is dangerous
From what you say, it is all over.

If anyone continues to try to collect from you all you need to do is produce the settlement or judgment you obtained from the judge. If you fail to pay on their demand, their option is to bring you back to court where the judge will look at all this again and decide who needs to be smacked upside the head...

Don't pay anything else unless you are ORDERED to by a JUDGE. If anything shows up on your credit report, dispute it with your court settlement/judgment.
From what you say, it is all over.

If anyone continues to try to collect from you all you need to do is produce the settlement or judgment you obtained from the judge. If you fail to pay on their demand, their option is to bring you back to court where the judge will look at all this again and decide who needs to be smacked upside the head...

Don't pay anything else unless you are ORDERED to by a JUDGE. If anything shows up on your credit report, dispute it with your court settlement/judgment.

Thank you. That is what we are going to do. One good thing we did is keep very good notes/documentation , so even the attorney we met with said the same as you. If anything does happen to come up, we have everything, including transcripts of the hearing.

We appreciate everyone's help, and input. This has been a nightmare, and we learned a lot of lessons . We were just a little shocked that the system that was designed to protect us, was being used to attack us for this guy's own financial condition.

Once again, we thank everyone for their info and support.

God Bless
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