I was receiving unemployment benefits but my employer appealed and won. I worked there for about a year and had 2 different medical issues. The first issue was internal pain in which I went to several specialist to find the cause and in turn missed work but always with a doctor's note. The second medical issue is that I suffer from anxiety and depression as diagnosed by a profession, with documentation. I accidentally overdosed on Xanax mixed with alcohol and missed work because I ended up in the critical care unit of the hospital and was on a ventilator. They documented this as a no call no show. They fired me because of this even though my girlfriend did call them that day and made them aware of the situation. The employer made an assumption it was a suicide attempt. They hired me back 2 and a half months later. I am appealing the appeal. I need to know if they can fire you because you were in the hospital even though they think it was your fault because they thought it was a suicide? What legal basis do I have to win my appeal in this situation, so I avoid having to back pay the unemployment I was initially awarded? If I was such a bad employee that deserved to be fired for misconduct then why did they hire me back and does that fact help my appeal?