unemployment appeal

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I was fired for theft, however it was an honest and isolated circumstance. I have worked for the company almost six years. I was even originally hired as Loss Prevention. After closing the gate to the store, I was stopped by my district manager as a surprise secret shop. She checked my belongings; Before I left the store, I had my lunch box, jacket, purse, deposit and had garbage I had to take out. I threw my stuff onto a back counter and grabbed a shopping handled bag, and swiped everything into the bag. That way I could free up a hand to lock the gate and for garbage. I mistakenly swiped a bag that was a customer hold. Therefore, it appeared that I was stealing. It really was an honest mistake and I know I would've realized it when I had to retrieve the deposit to deposit. I then would've put it back because it is all inside the mall. I know it doesn't look good, but I know I wasn't stealing. I was taken back into the store and was put on the phone with Corporate Loss Prevention. He's drilling me, etc. I keep answering with the same answer that it was a mistake, etc. He finally says okay your District Manager is now going to hand you some documents to fill out. Let me know when you've completed them. So she hands me the first, which was a statement form. I write down what happened and read it back to him. He's not satisfied with what I wrote, However, he tells me to fill the second form out and he tells me, okay put (this) on that line and this on this line, etc. I wasn't paying attention to what I was signing. It was a Civil Demand Notice. I do remember though, him saying after I wrote asap on the line to promise to pay the entire loss to Claire's on or before_asap, 2013, he states don't worry this is irrelevant because the merchandise never left. We have it. Anyway, I now appealed the denial of unemployment benefits and have a hearing. I don't disagree with getting fired, even though I know I wasn't stealing, I do think I should receive my benefits. I worked there almost six years without prior incidence. I don't have any witnesses and just received their evidence documents the day before the hearing, so I don't have time to gather and send documents prior to my hearing.
My question is, what points should I focus on, do I have any chance at all? Basically, what should I do?
You just need to tell the truth. You tell your story & the employer tells theirs. The ALJ will then decide whether to grant you benefits.
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