Unemployment Appeals Case in NC Still Going...


Hi All! This is the case that hasn't died! Many of you answered my previous post about a former employer appealing the unemployment I received over a year ago... I have new questions.

I went ahead and filed for an appeal of the adjudicator's determination. If anything, to get the date of perceived separation correct. They bumped it forward by an entire month! (Thats about $1,600 worth). But I'm still fighting that I continued working there for 2 months after an initial notice to leave. The appeal is still in process, and I still have additional appeals rights. BUT they are moving forward with overpayment collection anyways. And have given me a ridiculously impossible payment plan. Question 1, don't they have to wait until the appeals process is complete??

Two, I can't file for a waiver of forgiveness or payment plan until the final decision is made on the appeals. Or else I give up my appeals rights and case is closed. I'm still waiting on the appeals. So what can I do about the overpayment they want in 20 days??

OFCOURSE, you can't get ahold of ANYONE by phone AND they've disconnected their customer service email and chat. This is so dirty! armyjudge hit the nail on the head, they really aren't out to be helpful or play fair. So last question, are we completely powerless? Or is there a government entity to send complaints to?? I know I'm not the only one in a mess like this! And I wouldn't even be in this mess if they were competent to begin with.
North Carolina.

Previous thread with background:

Former Employer Filed an Appeal

So what can I do about the overpayment they want in 20 days??

Pay what you can, when you can. As long as you're paying something, even smaller than required, you might only get letters.

Paying nothing is the most dangerous thing you can do.

It's a government bureaucracy. You aren't going to change what's happening to you.

Continue with your appeal process. If there is a decision in your favor, you'll get a refund.
armyjudge hit the nail on the head, they really aren't out to be helpful or play fair.

I only call "balls and strikes".
I call 'em the way I see 'em.

So last question, are we completely powerless?

Generally, the little people get screwed.
To paraphrase that great fire fighting bear, "Only YOU can protect yourself!"

Or is there a government entity to send complaints to??

Kind of...

You can seek help from your state representative, state senator, or governor.

Get busy writing to each of them.

You never know, lightening just might strike!

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