Unemployment Insurance Appeals

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After 13 years working for an employer, because of stress caused by the employer in regards to the amount of work that was put upon me, I quit my job. My decesion to quit was based on the fact that the employer knew I was behind on many of the tasks, but upon returning back from vacation, the employer demanded my desk be brought current. After a year of complaining that I had no help, in working a desk that had become to much for one person to process, they put me on probation. I knew that there was no way I was going to be able to bring the desk current. I already was working overtime hours, I couldn't continue working the hours with the demands they required. So I quit the next day. I also had already been put on medication because of the stress and knew I couldn't continue to work and perform under the pressure.

I was denied unemployment benefits and appealed twice. Each level they denied my benefits because of unemployment code, section 1256. I have now been notified that to appeal again I must file "a Petition for Writ of Mandate" within 20 days of the last Appeals Boards decision.

My question, what are the chances I have of being granted unemployment benefits? Should I seek legal council?

Thank you,
Your chances of being granted unemployment are pretty much non-existent. While in some, very limited circumstances, it is possible to quit and collect benefits, the overwhelming majority of people who quit are not eligible for benefits. In the rare exceptions, it is generally either because you were being subject to illegal, not just unreasonable, treatment; or (in only a very small handful of states which admittedly includes yours but does not apply in this instance) because your spouse has been transferred beyond commuting distance.
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