Unfair child support order

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I have 50/50 custody of my 3 childeren, ages 9,8 and 7. My ex just took me to court to have child support adjusted. I was previously paying $245.00 per month and am now ordered to pay $866.00 per month. We have the children an equal amount of time per year, custody is shared residential and shared legal. I am paying 77% of total allowable child care. Why am I paying 77% to her instead of the 27% to bring her support up to 50%. I have no issues with supporting my children, but why I am I paying her for the children to be with me?
I do make alot more than she does as she does not work. I have also read the kansas child support guidelines. The problems is that neither of us are the noncustodial parent, everything is shared from residential to legal. There also has not been a designation of who financially responsible as the guidline states for the formula. I should be paying her the 27% to make up for her 50% instead of paying her the full 77% that I am responsible for. As it stands, I am supporting my kids double for the time they are with me, my kids are now suffering at the hands of this order. as I have investigated, Kansas is one of very few states that is discriminating to the harder working parent as there really is no formula for complete shared custody.
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I am not sure what the guidelines say but you need to argue that mom has an income put in for here..and that you get a parenting time discount. what changed from the orig order so that you pay so much more?? Time to appeal.
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