Unfair firing?

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An associate at Wal Mart was apparently stealing in the backroom where we both worked. They had suspected someone of stealing on the overnight shift because there was wrappers laying around, cause of that they installed a camera where there usually wasn't one. It was close to our meal hour and I pulled out my phone, on camera you could clearly see I was texting and not paying attention to the two associates that were standing around. One associate stole a 80$ bluetooth, I had not seen this happen and was fired for integrity. The manager who fired me hadn't even seen the tape and went on the loss prevention employers word. In the past me and the lost prevention female haven't been on the best of terms, she lives in my neighborhood, and there has been drama with her and her friends with one of my friends. She has always been out to get my job. When I was fired they said I had witnessed him stealing, the item is so small and he had done it so quickly that I hadn't noticed this. On camera I wasn't even facing him directly, I had my side to him, and there was another employer between me and the guy who shoplifted.

(I had a clean record there, if anything, they should have coached me for having my phone, which they do for any other person they see on their phone.)
This may or may not have been unfair; it was not, however, illegal.

While it would have been nice of them to give you a warning instead of firing you, the law does not require that they do so.
You weren't fired for a part in the theft.

You were fired for using your phone while on the clock.

You knew the rules.

They had choices, and so did you.

Choose wisely, the next time.

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I wasn't fired for my phone. It said I had witnessed another employee shoplifting and failed to report it in the comment area. Reason for firing was integrity.
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