Unfair hiring Practice

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Recenly I had applied for a position that was posted with Marine Corps. Community Services (MCCS). The position that was posted was for a Library Technichian pay designation NF-3. I though was privy to the fact that the posting was incorrect as it was supposed to for Education Clerk and that the position description that was posted was being re-worked to reflect this. I had decided to apply anyway as I hoped that when the correct post was published I would still be in the running for this position. On the day of April
29th I was indeed contacted by the Employment Development office and told that I would have an interview scheduled at 1:45, and was advised to arrive at least five minuets in advance. I arrived at 1:30 on the day of April 30th where I was asked to read the position description(PD). Upon inspection I informed the clerk that she had given me the NF-2 PD. She then proceeded to ask another clerk to print out the correct PD. They finally gave me the NF-3 PD but it still had not been corrected and upon inspection on the website it was clear that the post had not been corrected either. This they assured me would be of no consequence and that I should go to the interview. I then proceeded to where I thought the interview was to be at but was surprised(not to mention annoyed) to discover that the position being interviewd for was the NF-2 position. I advised the interviewer, Ms. Kay Emerson, that I was not interested in this position and had come to compete for the NF-3 job. She then told me that those interviews had been done in the morning. She then tried calling the Employment Development office and informed me that my interview could be done at 3 or 3:30pm that day. I awaited for the appointed time and when I tried to contact her I was told that she had left for the day. This I was confused by as I had thought I would be given an interview. I then returned on the day of May 1st at 8:30am when I knew she would be opening to have the issue resolved. She curtly said she had no time for me and that I should take it up with Employment Development. Having been meet with this hostility I then went to see Mr. Jeff Fourier as he was her supervisor and the other individual who was to conduct the interviews. He proceeded to apologize for the mix up and advised me that a hiring decision may have already been made based of the recommendations he and Ms. Emerson made of those candidates they had already seen. He suggested that I go ahead and see Ms. Angela Dumbdee who was in charge of Employment Development to resolve the issue. There I was informed the position had already been filled by another candidate. To add insult to injury she then said that trainees were instructed to call all candidates and that I wasn't even suppose to be contacted. This is frustrating because first I was placed on the wrong selection list when my application clearly states the position I was seeking and then to be told this load of bull was even more infuriating. This whole thing seems wrong. From the job posting not being correct, to my selection as a candidate, to the actual hiring. My question then is what recourse do I have? I feel that I was unfairly treated and that I was cheated out an oppurtunity to compete for a position I know I am most qualified for. My time was completely wasted as I had to take time from work to seek some resolution. Can MCCS really make a fair hiring choice when the position description posted was not even correct? If I was not to be a candidate why was I not informed of this on the first day I had tried to have this issue solved instead of being made the promise of an interview? I know that I was clearly selected as a candidate and that a trainee would mistakenly call me for an interview is a crock-of-bull. Why would my name be on any list if I was not to be called? Futher more if a hiring decision had indeed been made the day before then why not tell me and spare me from having to come the next day? Clearly some one is lying to me. There is perhaps nothing I can do but thought that I'd ask everyone here for their advice anyway. If anything this post has given me the oppurtunity to vent. I thank you all for taking the time to read my post.
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