unfair insurance increase? or not?

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New Member
I am wondering . . I pay for minimal car insurance twice a year and have NO accidents and NO tickets in 14 years, yet I get an increase EVERY payment?
Are they allowed to do this?
Of course. The cost of most things increases year to year. If you are unhappy with your rates, apply with other companies.
Yep, in spite of your perfect driving history, the cost of car repairs continues to increase, others in your rate category are not as talented as you and CEOs' get bonuses based on higher profit margins.
If you drive fewer than 7500 miles a year, it'll lower your rates tremendously.
Anytime I need to drive a significant distance, I rent from the company with the green logo.
You can ask the ins. co. if there is anything that would lower your rates - it never hurts to ask. If not (or otherwise) check with some other companies & see if any would have a cheaper rate.
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