I have been working at my company for 3 years and have 8 year of experience in my field. I work for a very large company; my department has about 40 personnel. All the employees in my department are all salary except for a co-worker and I, who are hourly and have to clock in and out. For the past 3 years I've been asking if I can be moved to salary, but I have been told time and time again by HR other department heads that due to a "law" in California I can not be moved to salary without a Bachelors degree. I currently have my Associates degree and working to finish my Bachelors since, but I recently have found that in fact an employee who was hired 1 year ago and has about 4-5 more years of experience than I and does the exact same work that I do, but just in a different group, has only his Associates degree and is paid salary, this to me seems very unfair. Is this favoritism or discrimination? I show no reason to be considered a bad employee, actually I have been told that I'm probably the best the company has for the type of work that do and it reflects in my reviews. I'm interested to know if this is possible cause for a lawsuit. Thanks in advance for the advice.