Unhealthy Conditions

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New Member
We rented an apartment in Herndon, Virginia in August 2008. Soon after we moved
in, we realized the bathroom toilet would not flash, it was terrible. Of course we
usually found out *after* the fact, and usually on weekends, so we could not
call maintenance, actually we could and we did, we had to wait for someone for
hours to days, thank goodness the local mcdonalds people were friendly, as well
as my husbands office was close. We have a 4 yr old, he was 3 then, but changing
him then was not easy, to say the least. In an 11 month period we stayed there,
this happened at least a dozen times, they usually came with that snake thing,
and unplugged it, but when leaving, this thing would drip all over the carpet,
no way I would let my baby down after that.

Right when we moved in, the apartment next door had called the health dept,
who came and filed two violations for cockroach infestation and gave them 30 days
to fix them, which they showed some papers and got away, although the problem
existed. Actually it got bigger, we have many many pictures with german cockroaches
to our apartment. We sprayed, and sprayed, we were afraid for the little one, their
exterminator came too, all to no avail. The problem kept till the day we left.

Around Nov 2008, we were being bitten by something during night time, we thought
it was cockroaches. We called the exterminators, they looked around with small
flashlights, they found ... bedbugs. We were terrified, the exterminators came and
sprayed and all that, it never stopped. We have pictures for dozen of bed bugs
right before my husband was flashing then in the kitchen drain. Our baby was so
bitten we took him to the doctor, who gave us a diagnosis that these were insect

A month before our lease expired, we moved to a different place we are doing fine
here, although the first week or so we found some live cockroaches we had
brought over, but soon enough this stopped and we are insects free since then.

The old apartment co. asked us to pay one month of rent, claiming we had to give
them 2 month notice, while we only gave them 30 day notice.

Our point is we have sufferred in that place and we think we should be refunded all
rent we paid for that place. Is our claim reasonable?

MaryAndrews22 at gmail.com
since this is my first time here, if someone replies, could you please cc me?
The timeline from your posting indicates that your lease began in August, 2008, you moved out in July, 2009 (11 months later) and now 7 months later you want to sue for all the rent you paid during your lease? Do you really believe you have much of a chance of winning your claim?

The issue of getting rent back for repairs involves repairs not addressed; from your posting this would not seem to be the issue as each time you reported the clogged toilet and insects management did respond to your requests. This is different than if they never responded to repair requests at all.

Please keep these things in mind as you decide whether you should continue with your claims that they owe you all your rent.

Your approximate times are correct, its just that I had to wait a little until the county would
investigate my complaint, they did and 2 weeks ago they fined them etc. Its likely they will
change their inc's name again, we were told they have done so 3 times the last 5 years.

THey did not respond to our request every time, I would say about half the times and with
great delay too that put us in very difficult position.

Let me ask you this, if we were to not claim the whole rent, what do you think its reasonable
to ask? Half? A quarter?
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