Uninhabitable Apartment due to flooding

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New Member
I have been renting a two story apartment since last July in rhode island. In march the bottom floor was flooded up to 18 inches and much of my things were destroyed. Since the flood I have been confined to just to top portion of the space. The building management has closed off the lower level and denied access to it and plans on repairing it. No work was started until 4 weeks after the flood and looks to proceed for another month at least. My lease in up in august but the place is unlivable. The top floor is only 400 sq ft and doesn't provide enough living space with everything from the bottom as well. Since the flood my breathing has lowered and my doctor prescribed me an inhaler and has told me to not live in the apartment. I brought this up with the building management but all they said was that I could sub lease it. But, how am I expected to sublease when only 60% of the space is under construction. I am wondering what my options are?
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