Union stewards not providing union representation to employees b/c L/M dispute

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I am employed as a county employee. The union and management are in a dispute to the amount of time the union can perform union duties during normal work hours. Since this time, the union has failed to represent or be present when an union members and/or non-union member has requested a stewards presence, Management has told the stewards they can be present, if requested by an employee. I would like to know if I can file an unfair labor practice and can this is a breach of the duty of fair representation, Why am I paying union dues, if I am not going to be represented.

I have requested union representation for a job performance grievance hearing, and for an investigatory hearing, which resulted in a corrective action write up. The steward flat out refused to show, saying there will be no union representation until the dispute between management and stewards are resolved. In the meantime, I'm still paying union dues. Management continues to hold disciplinary hearings without stewards' presence and says if we don't show up for the hearing we will be written up for insubordination. Management says they are not denying employees' representation that the stewards can show, but the stewards must notify the department and get a sign off indicating they are using union time, and this is what they don't want to do.
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