unjust eviction

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New Member
In Sept. we paid our rent and later that day the landlord came over and told us we had to move, his son needed the house to live in. It became a fiasco eventually, we had to have the police there on two occasions as he was interfering with our moving. Keep in mind we started moving with 2 weeks of his request to move. We sued him for moving costs and loss of business, as we have a home based business. He counter sued, then a few weeks later he requested a juried trial. Now we have to go through that. Need all the advice anyone can give me on picking jury and proper court procedures.
It takes three years to graduate from law school.
Even then, some people can not try cases.
If what you're doing is important, hire a lawyer.
Or, else walk away.
Texas civil trial procedure can not be summed up in a few sentences on an internet post.

But, if you screw up, the judge will admonish you appropriately.
And, the landlord's lawyer will beat you unmercifully, if you are unprepared.

You can Google Texas Landlord-Tenant Law.
You'll get some useful information from doing that.
Many Texas lawyers have websites offering landlord-tenant legal tips.
Some Texas courts also offer tips on court and trial procedures that you might find useful.

But, you weren't evicted, if you voluntarily left the premises.
Thus, you have no legal remedy.
You were not evicted.
So, I see no cause of action or defenses for you after reading your post.
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