Unjust Layoff/Firing???

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I currently reside in Texas, not sure if labor laws are different from other states. This is what has happened:

On April 14, 2006 both of my supervisors walked up to me and pulled me to the side. They told me they were doing layoffs due to company downsizing. I gathered up all my personal belonging and they escorted me out the door. When I got home I filed for unemployment, a few days later I received a phone call from TWC (Texas Workforce Commission) stating that I was fired for Insubordination and Production. A few days later I received a letter from TWC stating "Our investigation found your employer discharged you from your last work for a reason that is not misconduct connected with the work." The following day I received a letter from the human resources department that i had worked for stating that my job was ended due to resignation, termination and/or job elimination.

So in the past month I'm ok with the fact that I am on unemployment and looking for a new job. I then get a phone call last Thursday from TWC saying that I need to show up to an orientation class (I had already been to one). Sitting in the orientation, an old co-worker showed up and we started talking about what was going on. He informed me that he had actually gotten an exit interview and a severance package. Being that this was my first job and a job I had for almost 5 years... I had no idea I was supposed to have an exit interview. As of today, I contacted the HR department and talked with them... it comes down to all the people "laid off due to downsizing" have called HR and complained about the unemployment being declined. This lady quickly said "let me call **** and have him you", hours have gone by and I have not heard a single word back. Tomorrow morning I will call them all back.

Since I accepted this job I never let my production slip. I usually came out on top in production and kept good records. If a new policy was added; I made sure to adjust my work time to the policy.

If there is anything I could do, please let me know. If I should brush all this over my shoulder and forget about it... let me know.

You were an at will employee so they can lay you off or terminate you for what ever reason they want. The rest sounds odd and there isn't enough imformation to answer. Maybe the other employee had a position that required an exit reviw, maybe he had a contract I don't know. Severence packages are usually for executives. Are you sure it wasn't his retirement he paid into the company? Keep talking to HR but if you are getting unemployment that is really all you may be entitled to. Sorry:(

The guy who got the serverance was alot lower on the train than I was. I figured after I talk to the HR department today, i'll just drop it and walk away unless they want to persue the production. If they pull the production I have proof going back 2 years that I wasn't lacking in production.

I really do appreciate the reply, and yes it is a very odd situation. Glad someone else see's that. Take care.
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