Unlawful Eviction


New Member
Hello. I'll try my best briefly summarize the events. My lease expired 07/31/2021 yet I wasn't notified by my apartment complex and I will take the full blame for that on my behalf for not paying attention to the lease expiration date.

However, I was still considered a resident at the apartment complex receiving mail packages, utilities still working, and even access to the apartment complex with the workers letting me renew my key. I was living there until August 18th and was to move out of my apartment immediately by one of the workers there due to another group of people taking over my expired lease.

I wasn't served any eviction notices beforehand and felt like my housing rights were violated by the apartment complex. Is there any legal action I can do in this situation? I am a college student who lived at a college apartment complex if that helps put anything into perspective. (If more information is needed I am willing to display)

Thank you for reading.
I was living there until August 18th and was to move out of my apartment immediately by one of the workers

You mean "told to move"?

Did you leave or are you still in the apartment?

Did you pay rent for August on or about 8/1/21?

Are the apartments owned by the college or privately owned.

If owned by the college, is the college a state or county owned college.

Upload a complete copy of your lease. Redact any identifying information. See the green button below the posting space.
Is there any legal action I can do in this situation?

Most colleges and universities maintain a housing affairs office to assist students with off campus rentals.

You might take your documents and tell your tale of woe to the university officials that operate the housing or rental assistance office.
I wasn't served any eviction notices beforehand and felt like my housing rights were violated by the apartment complex.

Huh? How do you figure?

Is there any legal action I can do in this situation?

You can do all sorts of legal action, but I'm at a loss to understand why you think you have any legal claim against anyone.

As far as I can tell from your post, you had a lease that expired at the end of July but illegally remained in possession of the premises until August 18, at which point you moved.

How do you figure your "housing rights were violated by the apartment complex"?
You mean "told to move"?

Did you leave or are you still in the apartment?

Did you pay rent for August on or about 8/1/21?

Are the apartments owned by the college or privately owned.

If owned by the college, is the college a state or county owned college.

Upload a complete copy of your lease. Redact any identifying information. See the green button below the posting space.

Did you leave or are you still in the apartment? - I left the apartment

Did you pay rent for August on or about 8/1/21? - No I wasn't charged rent for August the 1st

Are the apartments owned by the college or privately owned. - They are not owned by the college

If owned by the college, is the college a state or county owned college. - N/a

Is it okay if I DM you the lease contract?
Did you pay rent for August on or about 8/1/21? - No I wasn't charged rent for August the 1st

If you occupied the premises for 18 days in August and didn't pay, then you're subject to being sued. If the apartments are owned by a college you're still attending, then your failure to pay is likely to cause problems with registering for classes, financial aid, and/or transcripts.

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