Unmarried-child custody pending-can I get temp. child support?

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Am I able to obtain temporary child support while child custody is pending? Ex and I were not married, have common child together. Father to establish paternity, DNA results filed w/court. No child support order exists. Child Support office unable to enforce payment until case is final. Can I file a motion?
Am I able to obtain temporary child support while child custody is pending? Ex and I were not married, have common child together. Father to establish paternity, DNA results filed w/court. No child support order exists. Child Support office unable to enforce payment until case is final. Can I file a motion?

No, but you can ask for retroactive support.

It's better to keep your questions in the same thread if they are on similar topics, especially if on the same day.
It is not a fast process and you probably will not see support coming in for a few more months. You can ask for retro saupport from the time you filed.
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