Unmarried, Father of child is on hard drugs and I need out of state!

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Okay my bf and I have a 15 month old Daughter. She is my WORLD! His Family and I recently found out he's doing heroine and cocaine. His parents think I need to stay and support him... My Mom died of an accidental overdose on prescribed medication. Anyway, I am not doing that to my baby. He is so far gone. He started going to a clinic for help that he doesn't even want to get. He was prescribed suboxone, which he shoots up! His Bday is 12/2/94 mine is 10/22/91. Before you judge he lied about it and I didn't find out until after I found out I was pregnant from his Mom! We live in Ohio with his Mom because he is still 17 well he can't hold down a job more and since I had been a stay at home Mom his Mom pays some expenses for my Daughter. I left today with my Daughter, he didn't even try to stop me. He just said this time dont come back. I have Family in WA State and have a job opportunity there, a clean slate for my Daughter and I. If I just up and leave can he file and make come back? If I did have to go to court would he have a chance? I can't lose my baby, I'm nothing without her. I care for her every second. I don't smoke, drink, do drugs. I've been away from her about 3 times since birth... The Father controls me. He never let's me leave and once pushed me, I should've left then. I just need answers please. The longer I am here the more I feel bad for keeping my Daughter and I in this mess.
Yeap, he can file to establish paternity (if that hasn't been done already) and request the child is returned to Ohio. Whether or not he'd be successful depends on factors we don't know here. But as a practical matter, if he DOES file, he's going to be asking the court to make a decision between one of these two options:

Either allow the relocation


You can move where you want, but he gets custody.

Given that a) you're the child's primary caregiver, b) you can likely prove drug abuse and c) you have family AND a job opportunity where you intend to go, if I were a gambling lass my money would be on you being allowed to relocate.

Given that the age of consent in Ohio is 16, you SHOULD be okay in that aspect (unless my math is way off).
He might file one day, probably the day after he stops using illegal drugs.

I wouldn't bet on it, though.

That drug monkey will keep him pretty busy for the next 15, 20, 30 odd years.

That's if he's lucky.

I'm not advising you to do anything.

You're an adult, adults do what they want.

But, that drug monkey is all he's worried about, assuming he's as bad off as you say.

I'm betting the drug monkey might steer the lad to a prison stint. Drug monkey monkey don't care, drug monkey is a bad little monkey.

If he does manage to whip that drug monkey, or he has no drug monkey, all bets are off.

Good luck, ask the drug monkey to keep boxing someone's ears.

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Minus any court order preventing such you can move anywhere you wish. Has Dad legally established himself as Father of child? If not again you are free to go where you please. Keep in mind if you do leave and seek any Government support IE: Food Stamps, Welfare etc they will ask you who Father is and they will seek repayment from him. When that happens it opens door for him to seek visitation or even custody.
Okay my bf and I have a 15 month old Daughter. She is my WORLD! His Family and I recently found out he's doing heroine and cocaine. His parents think I need to stay and support him... My Mom died of an accidental overdose on prescribed medication. Anyway, I am not doing that to my baby. He is so far gone. He started going to a clinic for help that he doesn't even want to get. He was prescribed suboxone, which he shoots up! His Bday is 12/2/94 mine is 10/22/91. Before you judge he lied about it and I didn't find out until after I found out I was pregnant from his Mom! We live in Ohio with his Mom because he is still 17 well he can't hold down a job more and since I had been a stay at home Mom his Mom pays some expenses for my Daughter. I left today with my Daughter, he didn't even try to stop me. He just said this time dont come back. I have Family in WA State and have a job opportunity there, a clean slate for my Daughter and I. If I just up and leave can he file and make come back? If I did have to go to court would he have a chance? I can't lose my baby, I'm nothing without her. I care for her every second. I don't smoke, drink, do drugs. I've been away from her about 3 times since birth... The Father controls me. He never let's me leave and once pushed me, I should've left then. I just need answers please. The longer I am here the more I feel bad for keeping my Daughter and I in this mess.
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Minus any court order preventing such you can move anywhere you wish. Has Dad legally established himself as Father of child? If not again you are free to go where you please. Keep in mind if you do leave and seek any Government support IE: Food Stamps, Welfare etc they will ask you who Father is and they will seek repayment from him. When that happens it opens door for him to seek visitation or even custody.

The door is already open.

It's got nothing whatsoever to do with child support or receiving certain types of aid.
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