Unreasonable Intrusion - Need Advice

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Ever since I purchased my 1973 Volkswagen bus, I've had some serious harassment issues with the police here in San Luis Obispo County. To make this as simple as I can, yet releasing enough information so that I can receive strong advice from you, here's the basic gist of it:

I live in my Volkswagen. No, not by choice, every now and then I score a friend's couch for the night. But I, plain and simple, live out of my bus. I was forced out of my broken home when I was 15 and have lived on the streets since. Finally, just about a year ago, I raised enough money to purchase my bus, and made it my home. But since day one, I am continually harassed by the police, which committed to searching the contents of my van continually and profusely, even though I NEVER carry illegal substances or implements. In fact, at one point, the police had demanded to search my vehicle EIGHT TIMES in one week. Finally, just several months ago I got to the point where I simply informed them that if I were to be harassed in this manner any more, I would contact my lawyer. Well, this problem is STILL occurring and I simply don't allow them to search my vehicle without a warrant anymore. But now it's become more brutal: In several cases lately, the police have, without any sort of permission, nor reason, opened up my car to find me trying to sleep inside.
Here's where you come in: I was wondering if this is even legal. As far as I've researched, this could technically be breaking and entering, or unreasonable intrusion. They had no idea whether or not I was inside, and the officer simply figured "I'll just open up his car and have my own way with invading his privacy, and if he happens to be inside, I'll give him some speech about why I can violate his rights and enter his van any time I wish." I mean, what if I had happened to be staying with a friend? What if the officer had broken something, or maybe even planted an illegal object in my van in hopes of finally getting me? I know that sounds a bit extreme, but it seems as though they are TRYING as hard as they can to get me in as much trouble as possible. Any help anyone can offer me?
Can you change where you park your vehicle?

It seems the cops pretty much just don't want you around, and will keep harassing you. It's as if when they are bored, have nothing better to do, they just bother you in hopes of making you move. The bus also reminds the police of hippies. . . and police have no love for the hippies. . .they also probably doubt you have an attorney on retainer, given your circumstances.

maybe go to the ACLU in your area, see what they can do. You may luck out with them or some other group that does legal work pro-bono or for very cheap.

Good Luck.
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