I had a lawyer check I have no warrants as well as I have been trying to do anything and everything to stay away from that life and life style since I have been home from prison over three years ago
I'll address your concerns on further down,but first let me clarify something on Police encounters,and arrests.
Generally speaking,Constitutional jurisprudence provides for three,(3) types of contact between citizens,and the police.(1) Consensual encounters,(2)brief
"detentions,"first decided in the case of Terry V. Ohio,and(3)
full-fledged arrests.
Now really there's just two,because a consensual encounter is voluntary,and such an encounter does not constitute a "seizure" within the meaning of the Fourth Amendment.The Police are free to question a citizen concerning his or her identification and conduct without the encounter necessarily evolving into a seizure,so long as the police do not
restrain the individual's
"freedom of movement" or communicate through words or conduct that compliance with their request is "
mandatory,"the person being questioned can refuse to answer any questions,and is free to walk away.
The next encounters are an "arrest,and a "detention" which is a form of an arrest,but not a "full-fledged arrest."The U.S. Supreme Court in upholding the detention in "Terry" stated,
" a police officer may in appropriate circumstances and in an appropriate manner approach a person for purposes of
"investigating possible criminal behavior,though there is no probable cause to make an arrest."
Thus the U.S Supreme Court in distinguishing between an "
investigatory stop,"and an arrest,upheld the authority of police officers to detain a person when they observe unusual conduct that leads them to
reasonably conclude,in light of their experience that criminal activity may be in progress.
Now to answer your questions,from what you told us,you were definitely "detained"and no one here can say definitely,that it was an "unlawful detention,"though that may be the case.A lawful detention does not require a warrant,or probable cause,just "reasonable suspicion as noted above,so weather they had a warrant or not is irrelevant.
I do strongly suspect though that something more is going on here than you've shared with us.You mentioned,being put in an SUV,told federal indictments would be sought against you and your father,and you related your past criminal history with drugs,so,you weren't just randomly selected off the street for nothing,even though they lied about having a warrant.
My advice to you would be to consult with a good criminal defense attorney,and relate the whole story to him or her,and don't leave anything out.They would best be able to advice you if you have a civil action against the officer and/or the county involved for a violation of your Constitutional Rights.