Unvaccinated border burglars being bused from TX throughout USA!

army judge

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McAllen, TX - Buses leaving the Texas city at the heart of the border crisis are struggling to keep up with business — because they're full of illegal immigrants released into the US by overwhelmed Border Patrol Agents.


Since the crisis erupted following President Biden's election, the four bus companies that operate out of the Central Station bus terminal in McAllen, Texas, have added as many as six daily routes, totaling 250 seats — but it's still not enough, City Manager Roy Rodriguez said.

"We don't have enough private bus seats to get everyone out," Rodriguez said.

The demand for tickets out of town is at a "record" high, with "most, if not all" of the recent increase coming from migrants who were caught crossing the border illegally and released pending future court appearances, Rodriguez said, citing information pulled together by McAllen Transit Director Mario Delgado.

A spokesperson for Greyhound Lines — the country's largest bus company and one of the four that provide service to and from McAllen — acknowledged a spike in demand for travel from the southern border since March and said that "some of the increase can be attributed to unvaccinated illegal aliens being transported by at at US Government expense."

Buses leaving Texas border town full of illegal migrants – . | FR24 News English
My super secret, master plan would be to give them all social security numbers, visas, put them to work on our infrastructure (another WPA) and withhold 20% of their earnings for income taxes.
My super secret, master plan would be to give them all social security numbers, visas, put them to work on our infrastructure (another WPA) and withhold 20% of their earnings for income taxes.

The financial ramifications of such a plan would harm millions of today's 10-16 year olds down the road of life.
Those millions are not inclined to do the grunt work that immigrants are willing to do. I don't know any teenagers who aspire to be ditch diggers or lettuce pickers.
Those millions are not inclined to do the grunt work that immigrants are willing to do. I don't know any teenagers who aspire to be ditch diggers or lettuce pickers.

That's the lie we're fed.
Most US natives work.
Most citizens aren't in prison.
With 335,000,000 (maybe more) people here already, immigration isn't necessary.

It matters not to old folks, but it sure matters to our grandkids.
Those millions are not inclined to do the grunt work that immigrants are willing to do. I don't know any teenagers who aspire to be ditch diggers or lettuce pickers.
I have seen this locally through my lifetime. I live in an area that has a large fishing industry. We have several local canneries to process the fish. Since it is seasonal work, the canneries were the perfect place for college students to work during their summer break. Local kids would come back each summer, and they would tell their college friends about all the available jobs, so they came up here in droves to work the canneries.

It is dirty work, the cleaning & processing of salmon, and they worked long hours that basically left them little time for anything but work & sleep, but they were able to earn very good money and a lot of people I know paid for their college educations that way. It was somewhat of a rite of passage for many people my age, and for my sons' peers as well.

But over the past 25 years, there has been a shift in the type of summer work available to high school & college students here. Our tourist industry has grown and that has spawned a much larger number of tourist-related attractions & stores, and most of our young people now would much prefer to work in tourist shops selling tchotchkes to visitors as opposed to dirty, smelly, long hours at a fish cannery.

I have watched the canneries have to go further afield to find their seasonal workforce. I have watched it go from American college students to predominantly European students & young adults looking for the adventure of visiting Alaska, to predominantly middle-aged Hispanic & Filipino workers.

The young people did not stop working the canneries because the others that were brought in were taking the jobs, but rather the other way around - the industry had to start hiring from elsewhere because they couldn't get the workers they had previously depended upon to work for them doing manual labor when there was something less strenuous, messy, and tiring available to them.

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