Roomate unwanted sublets

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Hi Im in California I pay rent in my mothers house and there was a room available , a friend came by that I hadnt seen in a while she later introduced me to her man friend and said they were looking to move somewhere this was 7 months ago its looked ok so I let them in I told her no drugs in the house or druggy friends over it was fine at first then she started being high on meth and staying up in the house ,locking herself in the bathroom hours disturbing the other tenants constantly bringing her drug friends to hang out and even giving one the key in addition her man friend would stay he didnt want her doing that but then give her money it was a mess she even took his car without permission .Things came to a head and her man friend said tell her to leave I pay the rent we told her no more but then she had no where but the streets to go we gave her a second chance within told her no one was to come by that engaged in drug use she kept that part of it but secretly started using again until defiently the verbal contract that she said to all the roomates and also my mother the landlord. the she became bold about her drug use again .She then took her mans friend car without permission and she was arrested for ascounding her prior probation and a DUI.She is in jail her man friend is still there My mother I and the other 4 tenents do not want her backl.We also want her man friend to leave. In addition we have a family friend that needs to ocupy the room we sublet to them please help with advise this is a urgent matter.
Most of this is totally irrelevant.

The sooner the landlord begins the eviction process the better.

The longer it takes to begin an eviction the longer it will be before you can force anyone out legally.
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