Unwarranted Parking Citation - BUS STOP

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Brief summary:

On Tuesday, December 1st, I drove to our local elementary school to pick up my niece who needed a ride. As school was letting out, there was a lack of adequate parking and I inadvertantly pulled in and drove through the BUS ONLY driveway. Never at any time did I stop, park, or position my vehicle adjacent to any curb. Total duration in the drive way was less than 20 seconds. The local Parking Authority Officer stood across the street and copied down my license plate and I briefly acknowledged her by giving her a quick wave before driving off.

On Thursday I received a letter in the mail with a parking citation enclosed. The violation was for PARKING IN A BUS STOP with a $250 fine for 22500 (i) CVC.

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My issues are as follows:

1. The Parking Authority Officer ticketed me for a completely wrong section of the CVC. My opinion is that this was an abuse of authority.

2. The ticket was for a Parking Violation in lieu of a Moving Violation - which the Parking Authority has no authority to write.

3. Never once was I parked inside the BUS ZONE and I immediately pulled out on to the public roadway.

4. When I visited my local police department to speak with a Traffic Officer, he could not even tell me the applicable CVC statute for this violation. I also asked a California Highway Patrol Officer this same question and he could not provide a section.

5. I want to contest this ticket and have obtained a REQUEST FOR ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW form, but this will only go as far as the local Parking Authority - NOT our county's traffic court.

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I'm more than a little frustrated with this scenario and would appreciate any answers from anyone who has experience with this particular issue.

The proper CVC section would be a great place to start, however I have been unable to locate it online or through Traffic Officers.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!


Go to court and argue your case just as you have it here. Sounds like you already have things sorted out.
If you didn't even stop, I'm not sure you committed a violation at all.
Thanks for your response.

I think I have stumped at least three California Highway Patrol Officers and one of our local PD Motor Officers. None of them seem to know what the applicable CVC section would be - if any.

I'm going to move full speed ahead with contesting this "parking" violation.


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