ok, i came to this site with a question a while ago and here is my update about my situation. well first, to recap of what happened. i got cought shoplifting a $15 worth of item in KS and they gave me a ticket saying i had to appear in court. well i went to my first court appearance and i was expecting that i would stand infront of a judge and plead Guilty or Not guilty. when i got in the court room, the prosecutor simply separated us into two groups- first time offenders and second time offenders. the second time offeners got sent to a different room to appear infront of a judge. the first time offenders remained in the first court room. the prosecutor offered us Diversion program and simply explained what diversion is and if we are interested we can sign up for it right there. so basically i didn't have to plead anything. Thanks to the admin who advised me to choose diversion, i signed up for it without hesitation. the prosecutor then gave us a second court date where we go and fill out diversion forms and pay for the program. i paid like $600 for it. so now, im on Diversion its been 3 months since i started it. i meet with an officer once a month. i'm also required to take antishoplifting class.Well, thats my update and if anyone that is wondering of what to expect after they are cought FOR THE FIRST TIME, this is it. im sure its a different senario for second time offenders. and i know for sure i won't do this a second time. i've learned a lot from all this. once again thanks to the admin and everyone who gave me advise.