Arraignment, Bail, Bonds, Pretrial urgent advice needed re bail condition

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We have been given bail conditions by the police as we are charged with common assult and
child neglect by the cps which we need to have removed.
1 sign on in police station daily (we are not flight risk)
2 not to contact our children as we are charged with common assult and child neglect by the
we are aloud from the family to court to have contact with oneof our children but would now
be in breach of bail if we attended that contact.
The magistrates in our area too busy (rural wales) or rather too busy or closed for training
so canot hear case till next thursday
We got a hearing for contested interim care order in family county court on friday next
so if magistrates refuse to remove those bail condition we need to apparently go to crown
court for a hearing
We do not have not enough time if we do not get a magistrates hearing before thursday.
It is not our fault that the courts are busy we put our application in on Thurseday 9th
apparently they are supposed to hear it within 24 hours as it was weekend and busy courts
they are obliged to hear it by monday 13th the next available working court day, but
thursday the 16th beingthe next day they have time would make this not legalamd would become
a mis carriage of justice are there any other options available in this sort of situation??
please advice as our solicitor can not talk to us till monday and we need our minds settled
as we are extremly stressed as it is.

Until the bail conditions are removed by a court order, you should obey them to the letter. If you do not, you coukd be subject to being reattached and held.

It may be difficult to do, but trust me, being locked up in jail is harder. You must be patient and wait to speak with your lawyer. 48-72 hours isn't that bad. Patience it you might regret your eagerness.
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