Consumer Law, Warranties urgent !!!is it breach of contract????rgent assigment

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Dear all i need advise is man who was selling car in breach of contract or not?
i saw an advertisment that someone is selling a car for 55.000 , i call this man and offer him 48.000, he refused .
also he said he will give me this car for 50.000 and i had time till saturday to gave him my answer.
i gave him a call on wednesday but no one was at home , so i left the massage on the phone that yes i want this car.
the mashine was full so my massage was not recorded which i didnt know.
immidietly i wrote him letter confirming that i accept his price
the same time he wrote the letter twidrowing his offer.
bad luck wonted that i had his letter widrowing offer first , mine reached him , couple of hours latter.
please advise me is this man in breach of contract ???

please help
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