Use of child support payments

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My ex-wife and I divorced about a year a half ago. We came to an agreement and it was uncontested. I am paying her $370/mo in child support. We decided it was in the best interest of my daughter's stability that for the most part she sleeps at her mother's house. So I have her Tuesday and Thursday evenings and all day Sundays, or basically a little less than half of the time. I don't know how the court usually rules on this, but I considered going for 50/50 custody where neither party is resonsible for child support, but like I said, my daughter's stability was the most important thing. I have read in other posts that the child support is for the mother to do with as she pleases. My question is, are we not supposed to each provide equally for her support in which case we are each actually contributing $370/mo to raise my daughter. This is $740/mo which is more than enough to cover all my daughter's expenses including shelter, food, and entertainment. Maybe I'm just jealous, but the child support enables her to buy everything for her, while on the days she is with me, I still have to pay for food, movie tickets, toys, etc. The $370/mo that I am paying would be the same whether or not I was even involved in my daughter's life. It also takes an additional cut out of my check to provide insurance. I made a lot of the decisions that I did out of guilt, but she has now re-married and her standard of living is not suffering. Do the court ever adjust support based upon how the child's time is split?

In Indiana, they allow for parenting time credit. Some states might not. If you have your child(ren) overnight for so many days, you get $$ off weekly child support. As far as I know they don't allow no child support for a 50/50 unless you can agree to it. My sister has her children every other week. She doesn't pay her ex child support but they agreed to it. You can petition the court for child support modification for having the child(ren) more time but it doesn't always happen. I don't know what your state's guidelines are like.

Good Luck. And I hope you can come to an agreement with your ex. Many of us cannot.
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