She stated" I don't have to tell you that she planned this, right?" And she did come forward after the fact.
Okay. Then her statement may be useful at court ... provided she was actually told that this was a set-up. If she was just hypothesizing, then that is of no legal value.
Again, unless she lied about being struck, whether she pushed your buttons and got you to hit her or not is not going to be very relevant.
Also, your a cop, your biased, I wanted a legal person to answer.
Yep, I'm a cop and I'm biased for the law. Oh, and I am a "legal person". If you are asking for an attorney to answer, you may have to go out and consult one.
A cop never says anything against another cop or discredits his motive.
If one of these parties are a law enforcement officer, you have not mentioned it, so how could that POSSIBLY bias my perspective?
I've seen your reply's to others. This is not a forum for you to defend against your own.
So ... your ex-wife is a cop, then? How do the cops come into play here??
I'm a father that was wrongly accused and no one "hit" anyone.
Good. Then take your evidence and your witness to court.
But she made it sound that way, so what was the law supposed to do? Wait for me to explain? No.
The explanations are for trial or for the follow-up investigation. Sorry, but the cops are not going to stand around trying to solve the whole case while they are at the scene. If they placed you under arrest based upon her lies, and these lies can be proven, she could face both criminal and civil sanctions.
Yes, it might be wrong, but that's the system we have. We don't expect the police to freeze the scene and try to resolve the entire crime in the field - that just is not practical. DV is such that the law encourages action, and generally encourages an arrest of the primary aggressor (as determined at the scene). Yes, it usually means the man goes to jail, and, yes, it can result in some unfortunate arrests.
And at the hearing, I will tell the Judge what I know and heard that will discredit this for my son's and myself, because I have been stable for 15 years.
Hopefully you will have an attorney to present your case. Doing it yourself is not advisable.
- Carl