Use of virtual depictions of trademarks (logos)

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I am an attorney practicing in the criminal law field and have been approached about a trademarky/copyright question. As this is far afield from my normal area of work I thought I would ask it here. I apologize in advance if this issue exists somewhere on the forums, I could not locate a post on point.

My question relates to the use of airline logos in the realm of virtual airlines. There are numerous virtual airlines which seek to emulate real world operations of airlines for fans, hobbyists, enthusiasts, and others. These virtual airlines (non commercial and non-profit entities) often use photos or virtual depictions of logos and other trademarks from the real airlines on their website and in programs such as Microsoft's Flight Simulator. To my knowledge where photos of trademarks (photos of aircraft displaying logos or trademarks for example) the virtual airlines appear to have gained the permission and consent of the actual photographer. I have done some limited research on the issues involved but cannot really put my finger on the issues potentially involved. Can someone provide me some insight or direct me in the right direction as to what issues are involved and whether the use of such trademarks in the "virtual world" might involve infringement. Thank you in advance.

I should add that this has nothing to do with my or anyone else providing legal representation to anyone or any party. It merely came up when a friend asked me about it and when I tried to do research on it could not find anything. My post here is more own personal education purposes solely. Thanks again.

Will Chambers
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