using a song from a band that is broken up

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I work at a church, and our youth group wants to use a song from a Christian rock band, Plankeye in a video for the group, it will not be re-sold or re-broadcasted, only in the church. The band has been broken up for some time, and I have tried to contact the label, but have had NO response. Is this totally illegal?

This is not legal Advice!

Hey Luke,

Your quote: "I have tried to contact the label, but have had NO response. Is this totally illegal?"

This may well be illegal as the label or Artist will own the rights to the song. Even though you work for the church it will be classed as a public performance and could well be subject to copyright laws. I suggest you keep trying the label, gentle persisitance sometimes pays dividends.

Good Luck

There are places who keep track of all that stuff.

I don't know who they are, but call ASCAP and ask them.
It is possible, depending upon how much of the work is being used, that it could fall under Fair Use in copyright law. I'm not sure that this is the case. Perhaps you can contact individual members of the band using the Internet or, as was suggested, contacting ASCAP who may be able to help you obtain appropriate licensing.
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