Using an option agreement to flip and assign notes and real property

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New Member
I have heard about the SAFE Act and I am trying to find out if I can legally not being a licensed real estate agent or a licensed securities agent find both for sale properties and seller financed notes and get those under an option ageement and assign those to wholesale property and note investors. My fee would be the difference I get the seller to sell and what the buyer is wiling to pay. Thank you.

Michael - future investor (hopefully)
Be very, very careful.

If I were you, I'd speak with my attorney before doing anything.


Once an attorney provides you with his/her written legal opinion, you are safe should the government start headhunting.

Tread carefully.

Some real estate brokers or agents might become your enemies or "rat" out your activities to certain people inclined to persecute (er, prosecute, rather) innocent individuals.
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