using Facebook user information for 3rd party website


New Member
Hi all, I'm interested to know how much I am allowed to show of a person profile in a 3rd party website.

I want to post the comments (print screen) of the users from some pages. That will include their name and profile picture.

Do I need to hide their name and/or profile pic ?
Everything I will be showing is already public in facebook and nothing more.

The 3rd party website does not have any ads or profits from this in any way.
we don't have anyone out here who knows European law, I don't think.

But I will say personally it is a very bad idea especially if you are using them to prove some point that is negative to them. Yes, people should know whatever they post "public" could be used, but honestly don't think just because it is public that it now belongs to YOU to use.

I would have to ask what's the purpose?
we don't have anyone out here who knows European law, I don't think then.

But I will say personally it is a very bad idea especially if you are using them to prove some point that is negative to them. Yes, people should know whatever they post "public" could be used, but honestly don't think just because it is public that it now belongs to YOU to use.

I would have to ask what's the purpose?

I see, that was my guess I will have to rethink it.

I just needed them for some articles just to enhance them with different opinions on some subjects and write why I agree/disagree.
why not actually contact those people and ask if they are willing to share their opinion on your articles? Because it could be construed by others who read your articles, if you use them without their knowledge, that they are approving. It might be better just to make them anonymous postings and group them by type (ie. FB user #1 a male around 40 from New Jersey) -- much like anonymous surveys. Hey, wait, you could do an anonymous survey and ask those people to participate and give comments also.

My point being is that there should be other ways for you to get different opinions than just copying off of a social media posting and honestly, you can't tell for sure that those opinions are "real" as it is hard to read snarkiness/sarcasm if you don't personally know the person.

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